Given the unique requirements built into the designated POE in International Business, a secondary emphasis should only be used in rare instances wherein the student has met most of the requirements for the designated, but somehow missed "something." For example, student did not go abroad. Please seek the advice of an ABE faculty member.
Secondary Emphasis Credit Total = 18
Six credits must be at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.
The secondary emphasis is for use by students with POEs in other departments. We do not allow a student with a POE in ABE to use one of our own secondary emphases, e.g. Accounting w/secondary emphasis in Finance.
The secondary emphasis is shown on the POE forms using the words "w/secondary emphasis in" (e.g., Communications w/secondary emphasis in Marketing). We suggest that using "and" to connect two disciplines - e.g., Communications and Marketing - implies that the student is a "dual major" and has completed the designated POE in Marketing and sufficient work in the other discipline that a faculty member of that department would approve the POE.
NOTE: prerequisites for 300/400 courses will NOT automatically be waived.