Registered Student Organization Resources
Campus Posting Policy
- Juniata College Posting Policy
- Request for exceptions - please email your request to
- Posting Policy Violation Reporting Form
- Outside Organization and Solicitation Policy and Request Form
General Club Forms
- Branding Guidelines for Clubs and Organizations
- Contracts and Insurance Information
- RSO Change in Advisers - please email your changes to the Office of Campus and Residential Life at
- RSO Change in Officers - please email your changes to the Office of Campus and Residential Life at
- RSO Withdrawal - please email your withdrawal to the Office of Campus and Residential Life at
- Apply to be a New RSO - please email with your club name, a brief description, and list of club officers.
- RSO Club Membership Participation Agreement Form
Event Planning Forms
- BYOB Guidelines and Event Registration for RSOs
- Travel Form (for any RSO that will be traveling off-campus in the name of Juniata College)
Club Accounting Forms
- Sample Accounting Forms
- Accounts Payable Voucher (advances & reimbursements)
- Advance Clear
- Deposit Form
- Purchase Requisition Form
- P-Card Lost Receipt Form
- W-9 Form
RSO Allocations Paperwork